Welcome & About Us
The North East Section was formally known as the Teesside Local Section and changed its name at the Local AGM held on 8th October 2020.
Our first public lecture was by Sir George Paget Thompson, Institute President from 1944-48, Nobel Laureate in Physics, recognised for his discovery of the wave properties of the electron.
A number of the original committee were ICI employees, who went on to become Chairmen of the North East Section in the early days such as, Dr W. Jasper Clark (our first Chairman), Mr D. G. Underwood, Mr Charles Gregory and Mr Vic H. Brown, who was Head of the Instrument Service Station at ICI Wilton.
A number of our members have served as President, including David Bishop, Prof Jim Anderson & Colin Howard. David Bishop played a prominent role in obtaining our Royal Charter and establishing the Institute in the international list of Professional Engineering Institutions. Colin Howard is a past InstMC Honorary Treasurer.
Our social and fund-raising activities are managed through Teesside Instrument Engineers, organising an Annual Dinner & Reunion, Annual Exhibition, Quiz, and occasional Clay Pigeon Shoot, the profits from which support our educational programme through technical lectures & external visits. Lectures are normally held at Teesside University, Middlesbrough.
Mr J Noon (Chairman , Dinner Reunion Coordinator)
Mr R W Leng ( Past Chairman, Membership & Interview Coordinator)
Mr D Walker (Vice Chairman)
Mr N Harrison (Hon Treasurer)
Mr M Vowell (Hon Secretary)
Mr C Cowperthwaite (Technical Programme Secretary)
Mr C Mather (Asst. Technical Programme Secretary)
Mr I Tyzack (Exhibition Secretary)
Mr D W Otterson (Membership Promotion and Recruitment)
Vacancy (IT Officer)
Contact us
John Noon - nechair@instmc.org
Damian Walker - damian.walker@ashcroft.com
Richard Leng - richard.leng@instmc.org
Mike Vowell - nehonsec@instmc.org
Chris Cowperthwaite - chris.cowperthwaite@ntlworld.com
Colin Mather - colinjmather@outlook.com
David Otterson - david.otterson@instmc.org
Ian Tyzack - ityzack@hotmail.com