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Local Sections

South-East Section

Welcome to the London Section

The London Section has been one of the most active local sections for many years.  Originally there was a broad community of engineers working in large engineering design offices for major clients of all types all over the world. Times have changed, but there is a still a large engineering community spread around Southern England, and the excellent commuter infrastructure has allowed us to maintain an active technical and social programme.

Committee Members

Chairman Malcolm George
Vice Chairman Vacant -
Honorary Secretary Barry O’Regan
Honorary Treasurer Steve Day
Education Officer Sanowar Khan -
Webmaster Rupeche Pritamlal -
Programme Coordinator Vacant -
Annual Dinner / Lunch  Organiser Vacant -
Golf Day Organiser Brian Jones -
Exhibition Organiser Brian Jones -
Chairman’s Bite Nite Organiser Alpesh Patel -
EPC/Industries Coordinator Andrew Crook -

Acting Site Visit Organiser

Alpesh Patel -
Membership Officer Ian Craig -

University Coordinator

Mark Agnew

Committee Member Martin Green -
Committee Member Russell Baker -
Committee Member Rupeche Pritamlal  -
Committee Member Scott Pepper -

Committee Member

Committee Member

Martin Madin

Terry Hodder


Committee Adviser

Committee Adviser

Geoff Jones

John Morley

