BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ireland Local Section: Technical Talk: Robotic Knot in Pan Gallego UID:339 DESCRIPTION:Robotic Knot in Pan GallegoPresenter:Mr. Miguel VilariƱo Orgeira\n\nPan Gallego is a tradition artisan bread from Galicia, in northwest Spain,\nrecognized as a Protected Geographical Indication. Its distinct knot makes it\ninstantly recognizable and requires incredible skill to create.\n\nMiguel has successfully designed and developed from scratch a bespoke robot to\nmimic the complex muscle motions of a human hand to create this iconic knot.\n\nPan Gallego -\n\nRegister by emailing: before Friday 14 April 2023 for this MS\nTeams event\n\n DTSTART:20230419T173000Z DTEND:20230419T190000Z LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR