BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:AGM and EGM 2021 UID:239 DESCRIPTION:Please note the 2021 AGM and EGM will be held virtually using Microsoft Teams. \n\n Any member may attend the meeting but only Fellows, Members and Licentiates may vote\n\n For the link to join the meeting please click here \n\n To vote please click here Please Include your Name and Membership number or your vote will not be counted.\n\n There will be an option to submit written messages during the meeting, but there is a delay caused by moderation requirements so we are asking members to please submit any questions for the Trustees ahead of time using the voting link above or by sending them to\n\n Files and papers \n\n AGM Notice \n\n EGM Notice\n\n 2020 Annual Report\n\n 2020 Annual Accounts\n\n 2020 AGM and EGM minutes for approval\n\n  \n\n If you are unable to vote using the link provided above please use the following Proxy forms and return to\n\n AGM Proxy form\n\n EGM Proxy form\n\n DTSTART:20210624T150000Z DTEND:20210624T153000Z LOCATION:ONLINE Via Microsoft Teams END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR