BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wessex Section: Sustainabilty and Quality in tank Venting UID:233 DESCRIPTION: \n\n This discussion is about \n\n how technology has enabled us to see tank vent emissions why reducing them is important and how this can be achieved.  \n\n Speaker:\n\n Ewart Cox – Managing Director. Assentech Group\n\n Mechanical Engineer. 25 years experience in the tank venting industry. \n\n Set up Assentech 10 years ago with the focus on supplying and servicing equipment that fully meets international standards. \n\n Technical expert on API2000 and ISO28300 Standards Committees.\n\n Currently leading a task groups in both API2000 and ISO28300 to further develop testing criteria for production vents. \n\n  \n\n Leading a working group to draft a new annex to ISO28300 on tank venting and the environment. \n\n Committee member and contributor to the development of EEMUA\n\n  \n\n Developed the first automated, fully mobile tank vent test bench \n\n Adviser to multiple regulatory bodies on best practice in tank vent management and maintenance.\n\n  \n\n  \n\n To get your ticket please go to:\n\n DTSTART:20210714T150000Z DTEND:20210714T160000Z LOCATION:ONLINE Via Microsoft Teams END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR